

Patchwork Cutters Book 18

Original price was: $26.00.Current price is: $10.00.

Patchwork Cutters

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SKU: 1818 Categories:


Introducing the new range of Patchwork Stencils / Cutters. This book’s projects include: English Rose and Lace Wedding Cake, Black and White Stencilled Wedding Cake, Open Rose Stencilled Wedding Cake, Picot Dots, Quick Celebration Cake, Cup Cakes, Black and Pink tiered Cake, Flower Pots, Pirate Cake, Princess Cake, Stained Glass Cake, Recipe Box Cake, Disco Fever Cake, Snowman Cake, Christmas Tree and Robins Cake, Goodbye Santa Cake, Poinsettia Stencil Cake, and Stencilled Cup Cakes. 41 pages, full colour.

Cake and Sugar Art