

JEM Cake Side Cutters (3d creative border)- Set of 4

Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $5.00.


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Set of 4 Size of each : 91mm x 41mm These cutters allow for the creation of a variety of cake side designs from sugarpaste. Each cutter is designed so that a continuous pattern can be formed. Semi-circle – this cutter was used to great effect by Sharon in the November 2012 issue of Cake Craft and Decoration, Triangle (chevron)– this cutter could be used in a similar way, but would produce a totally different effect. Ladder – can be used for weaving, use a combination of colours and different insert widths (JEM Strip cutters are ideal for this task) and weave over and under the ladder. Detail instructions are included. Grille

Cake and Sugar Art